Kinetic Typography That Blows Your Mind!
Have you ever wondered why some videos are more eye-catching than the others? Why do these videos stand out? How come you keep watching the video even if you didn't want to watch it in the first place? Is it some sort of magic we are talking about? Well, one of the reasons is that the video has kinetic typography in it!
We assume your next question is "What does kinetic typography even mean?" Kinetic typography is, you will be surprised, moving text. Yes, that simple! It is an animation technique used to connect text and animation in order to get attention and spark the interest of viewers.

If you pay attention to different promotional videos, you will definitely notice that more than half of them contain kinetic typography. Here are some benefits of this animation technique:

1. Your video becomes more interesting for a viewer. This video not only contains great footage or animation, but also noticeable and appealing text.

2. You make sure the important information is going to be delivered. We are living in 21st century where thousands of videos are being uploaded every single day. People prefer to watch only light and good content, so if your video delivers the message via kinetic typography, it makes it easier for a person to consume, since all of the information is visible.

3. Accessible on every device. Given that the most popular device is a smartphone (and our prediction is that it will stay this way for a long time), a video has to be adjusted specifically for watching on your phone. One of the ways to do that is to use kinetic typography simply because almost every video (on Instagram or Facebook) is being muted. But with words in your video, you can convey your ideas with no problems!

Without further ado, let's look at some videos with kinetic typography and find out why you want to keep watching them!
Student Design Awards Winner - Curiosity: Kinetic Typography
When you want to get your message across, it is important to make it simple. We want you to take a look at how natural the story looks when using this type of animation, so you basically can talk about any subject you want to! You can tell your personal story using this type of video, create a bedtime story for kids to watch before going to bed, or even create educational content!
Imagine Dragons - Natural (Lyrics)
Lyrics videos are one of the best examples of kinetic typography in action! You have everything you need: music, great text, and most importantly, a story you are able to show and share with the world! If you want to animate the text, there is no better way to do that! Creating one of these videos for your music band is going to do only good for you because sometimes these videos can become viral and you get a lot of views and attention.
(WIP) Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know: Kinetic Typography Lyric Video
This is another lyrics video, but we want you to look at the font! The band "Arctic Monkeys" uses specific font for their album covers, so they become more recognizable. When you look at this kinetic typography video, you see similar font and your brain connects the font with this particular band, so it is more likely that you are going to remember them next time you see something similar. This technique can also be used when you want to promote your product or business. Build connections and your brand will be more recognizable.
Apple – Don't Blink
Everyone knows how laconic and effective Apple advertisements are. But the question is what makes them so good? Among many different reasons there is their ability to deliver the information through the text, which is, yes you are right, kinetic typography. This video called "Don't blink" is an amazing example of how you can get the message across with no voiceover at all, but people will still understand everything you wanted to tell them. It's just the combination of rhythm and the animation that makes you focus on watching it and, as a result, feel spellbound.
Apple – Perspective
And here is another interesting example of keeping the audience engaged in your video. The text is moving along with the camera creating this cool effect, so we unconsciously want to keep watching to see the end. Once again, Apple knows its way to a customer, so it is important to learn techniques like this one from the company.

Now you know what kinetic typography is and how you can benefit from using it in your videos! This animation technique is being used all over the world not only by numerous influential companies to promote their brands, but also by amateurs who are just starting out. If you liked this technique, then do not hesitate to apply it to your videos! Besides, if you want to benefit from a simple text, then kinetic typography is definitely a tool for you!

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