The Ultimate Title And Description For Your Video And How To Write It
Everyone knows that videos are going viral these days. If you own a business and want to promote your product, one of the ways to do so is to create a good quality video advertisement for your brand or business. Except for the gripping story, your video should have catchy title and description, so that people can decide within 2-5 seconds whether they want to watch it or not. Besides, you can get high conversion and great results!
These days thousands of videos are being uploaded every day, so people have a lot to choose from and that's what makes it hard for you to promote the video for your brand. But if your video has an impeccable title and description, then it stands out in all of the other videos and people click on it!
Here is how to make your title and description outstanding.
1. Creating a title.
Not just a title, but a catchy one, so that viewer's attention is attracted by it. In order for a title to be catchy, it has to be short and easy to understand. No one wants to read long and boring name of the video. It should include superlative adjectives such as the best, the most interesting, etc. and words that bring strong emotions, such as amazing, nasty or horrible. If your video actually explains how something works, then you should also include phrases like tutorial; DIY, How-to; Make, etc., depending on the video you post. If you are really struggling with creating a great title, then we recommend you to take a look at the most watched YouTube videos to get a couple of ideas.

2. Creating a description.
Once you're done with the title, here comes the struggle with description. Our advice is simple: write only the important things, keep it short and use the key words. The important information is the gist of your video (but don't give away all the info, otherwise people won't need to watch the video), maybe just 2 or 3 sentences, that's what we mean when we're talking about keeping it short. And last but not least, the keywords. They are super important for many reasons. For example, with using the right keywords you can increase the number of views or the video will be on top on Google search. How to choose these magic keywords is another topic, but you should know that they have to be relevant to the topic of your video and highly searched on the Internet. These are two main criteria when choosing the keywords.
There are also additional rules to follow when writing the description for a video. You shouldn't sell your product right away in the first sentence of the description, simply because you are going to look like an intrusive person. Just give the link to your product in the last sentence of your short description. Don't hesitate to use hashtags and different categories, depending on the social network you are uploading your videos to. For example, on Vimeo you can add up to 20 different tags, but there is a small trick: be precise and add only those tags that are applicable to your video, otherwise your video will be even harder to find then before adding those tags. Your video will be easier to find if you decide to add a couple of relevant tags, and when you are adding your video to some category, make sure the topic is the same as your video. And, of course, you can always get inspired by those viral-million-views videos on YouTube.
Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book, and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed, or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.

Do not forget that along with an outstanding title and description should come great quality video, so everything needs to be thought through!
To sum up, we think that an impeccable title should be:

  1. Catchy;
  2. Short;
  3. Easy to understand;
  4. Contain superlative and emotional words.

The great description should contain:

  1. Only the most important information;
  2. Keep it short;
  3. Use keywords;
  4. Give a link to your product in the last sentence;
  5. Use hashtags and categories.
Title and description is equally important because they create an image of the whole video even before watching it. We hope now you can easily write the best title ever and support it with the most laconic description the world has seen!
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